infoDER update


Peruvian schools participated in i der mun peru

On August, the Defensoría Edmundo Rice, in partnership with the Rosario de Fátima School - Chaclacayo and the Circle of International Relations and Human Rights - ALEPH, held the first edition of DER MUN Peru, a debate conference that brought together outstanding students from each of the schools in our network in Peru to put into practice what they had learned in DER's MUN Program.

The theme of the conference was gender gaps in the workplace and each student had the opportunity to represent a country and jointly propose solutions to the problems presented. From DER we are happy with the outcome of the event and the performance of each of the students.


Students start leadership program in chaclacayo - lima

In August, Defensoría Edmundo Rice began working with an extraordinary group of students from the Rosario de Fátima School in Chaclacayo through the implementation of DER's Leadership Program.

During the first session, the group had the opportunity to get to know each other and discuss human rights and their importance to the world. After six weeks, the students are expected to develop and execute an action plan for the benefit of their community, based on the Sustainable Development Goals.


Cardinal newman students participated in children's rights campaign

About a thousand students from Cardinal Newman School participated in a campaign to promote Human Rights organized by the school's DER team. The campaign began with a classroom session where a UNICEF video on children's rights was shown at each level.

Then, we reflected on the topic and gave out stickers in order to promote gestures or actions related to the rights. Once the gesture or action had been carried out, the children were invited to stick their tickets on wooden paper posters displayed around the school. At the same time, families were invited to participate by making gestures and joining in with their tickets.


Chem children and adolescents participated in workshop on human trafficking

In order to raise awareness about human trafficking among adolescents, Centro Hermano Manolo coordinated with the representative of the EDUCO project a workshop on human trafficking as a means of prevention.

Thus, on August 25, both turns of CHEM participated in the workshop. DER is grateful for this event that promoted greater awareness of human trafficking among children and adolescents, who are vulnerable to this problem.


Action students from stella maris implemented their community projects

Students from Stella Maris School who participated in the Action 2022 program led the implementation of their project at Santa Margarita School in the city of Montevideo.

The activities that the students carried out included workshops with the children of Santa Margarita on caring for the planet, as well as a cleanup of the streets surrounding the school, in which students from the 2nd and 3rd years of high school participated.

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