Province Chapter 2022

In July 2022, Brothers from North America and Latin America convened in Long Branch, New Jersey to hold the Province Chapter. Chapter President, Brother Kevin Griffith (Province Leader) declared the Chapter open on July 15, 2022.
The Brothers received updates from the Province Leader and the Province Leadership Team about their various portfolios, the Province Finance Committee, the Office of Educational Services, the Christian Brothers Foundation, the Latin America Mission Area and the Edmundians. Brother Peter Clinch (Congregation Leader) brought greetings and reflected on the state of the Congregation.
Ably facilitated by Ms. Mary Ragan, the Brothers at Chapter listened intently and spent time in contemplation considering the statements from the recent Congregation Chapter held in Lima and Dublin and how best to incorporate them into our present reality.
Care of Earth
Edmund Rice Christian Brothers North America Province and Latin America Mission Area, gathered in Chapter in Long Branch, NJ, and in light of the Congregation Chapter commitment to Care of Earth:
+ Encourages each Brother to register with the Laudato Si’ Action Platform and complete the self-assessment protocol.
+ Calls for each community in the Province to submit to Leadership a plan, no later that the first Sunday of Advent, 2022, of how they will engage with the challenges contained in the Care of Earth commitment.
Post Chapter Process
The Chapter proposes that the Province Leadership Team, in conjunction with the Province Life and Renewal Team, continue to nurture ongoing development of Congregation and Province Chapter outcomes.
Recognizing that vocations to our Brotherhood are the lifeline to the future of our Province, we commit:
+ To intensify our efforts to identify, invite and mentor men with a potential vocation to become Christian Brothers.
+ To collaborate with our schools and outreach ministries on programs that promote vocations to our Brotherhood.
+ To pray, individually and communally, on a daily basis for vocations to our Brotherhood.
+ To nurture the vocations of our men in our Initial Formation Program.
Focus on Blessed Edmund Rice
Fully aware that the Charism of Blessed Edmund Rice is a gift, not only to the Christian Brothers, but for the whole world, we commit to growing the Companions of Blessed Edmund by:
+ Accompanying our Associates, Edmundians and volunteers in their spiritual journeys.
+ Collaborating with our schools and outreach ministries to establish Edmund Rice Societies for those who have attended ACTION workshops and/or immersion experiences.
+ Collaborating with our schools and outreach ministries in creating frequent prayer and service opportunities for faculty, staff, administration, etc. around the charism of the Founder.
+ Exploring the creation of communities for younger people to build community, grow spiritually and participate in social action.
+ Collaborating with Catholic ministries at colleges and universities in promoting the charism of Blessed Edmund.
+ Implementing efforts to revitalize Blessed Edmund’s gift to our contemporary church by increasing awareness of Edmund’s charism.
Health Care: Physical & Psychological
+ In each of our communities a culture of care should exist. We encourage Brothers to be healthy and socially active. Our communities must be as safe and senior-friendly as possible.
+ The Chapter recommends that the Province Health and Wellness Committee renew its efforts to provide the resources needed to meet the physical, psychological and social needs of the Brothers.
+ The Chapter encourages the commitment to contemplative practice as a form of deepened spirituality and self-care.