Dear Brothers,
It is with great sadness that I write to inform you of the death of Mrs. JoAnn Mazzella Murphy.
JoAnn and her husband Joe are longtime friends and benefactors of the Brothers. In fact, some time ago, they were both honored with the title of Honorary Christian Brother.
JoAnn’s generosity knew no bounds. She and Joe are the largest benefactor to the Edmund Rice Christian Brothers North America Province. They are also great benefactors of Iona College, Iona Prep, St. Joseph’s Residence, our Peruvian missions, the Edmund Rice Christian Brothers Art Foundation, the former Rice High School, All Hallows High School and so many more organizations, big and small. Until her death today, JoAnn was a Trustee of Iona College and a founding member of the Edmund Rice Christian Brothers Art Foundation. Several years ago JoAnn visited our Peruvian missions as part of our Pilgrims in Peru initiative. JoAnn embodied the Gospel message of Jesus Christ and the charism of Blessed Edmund Rice.
She lived her life with dignity and integrity, and we will sorely miss her contagious smile and presence at Province-related events. Although the dinner has not yet taken place due to COVID-19, JoAnn was to have received Iona College’s Legacy Award for her “lifetime accomplishments” during Iona’s 50 Years of Women at Iona tribute dinner. JoAnn was truly a woman of deep faith who embraced her Catholic identity and lived it every day of her life.
Please pray for the repose of JoAnn’s soul, as well as for her husband, Joe and the entire Murphy and Mazzella family.
God bless,