Farewell to our last teaching Christian Brother from Vancouver College


Not only did we mark the conclusion of our year-long 100th anniversary celebrations with our special Thanksgiving Mass this month, but we also marked the end of an era last week when we bid farewell to our last teaching Christian Brother, Br. Charles Gattone. A heartfelt sendoff took place at the end of Br. Gattone's last class after 53 years of teaching. Staff and students from all grade levels formed a line that stretched from his classroom, through the hallways, across the courtyard, and into Lannon Hall.

We sincerely thank Brother Gattone for his dedication throughout the decades. He nurtured and guided our students, fostering their faith and strengthening their relationship with God. His efforts have undoubtedly empowered numerous young men to embark on a journey of selfdiscovery, deepen their spiritual understanding, and leave VC as transformed individuals, embodying the values of Blessed Edmund Rice

We encourage you to read this article about Br. Gattone and our centenary celebrations in the BC Catholic written by Terry O'Neill (VC 1969).

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