Page 8 - Br. Chapman :: Opening the Gift
P. 8
Vatican uses
of chapman art
Br. Chapman firing ceramic art pieces
Opening the gift
Ticket master for the Papal Household of intensive activitythat characterized his programs of Rome, delighted in having the
was a role various Christian Brothers long reign into the new millennium. Weekly art of one of the brothers to illustrate what
fulfilled since the end of World War II. papal audience drew massive crowdsof the he was pointing out in the classic works of
Brother Stanis McGuire happened to be faithful from around the globe. Conferences the Vatican collections.
available when the position needed filling and concerts, diplomatic interfaith
in 1970. Having joined the teaching order gatherings,beatifications and canonizations When Brother Chapman arrived in Rome
of men religious in Australia, Brother’s demanded intensive coordination on the he found several of his works on display.
ministry had become the administration part of the Papal Household. Here the two art enthusiasts, Ken and
of the thousands of acres of farmland Stanis, met and formed a deep bond of
that nourished an extensive network Brother Stanis was at the center of the mutual appreciation. Brother McGuire
of residential schools, job training action. was impressed by the creative flow of the
centers and house of formation for the While Brother McGuire welcomed the Brother Chapman’s art. He realized that
large groups of young men joining the challenge he was also conscious of any ordering and cataloging of the vast
Christian Brothers. the need to nurture his spirit with less trove was beyond the artist’s inclinations
and perhaps even ability. He began to
In 1964 as the need for the farms bureaucratic engagements. He dedicated unwrap what he perceived as Brother
diminished Brother Stanis was called to free time to a continuing study of art. Chapman’s unique gift.
Rome to coordinate the building of the He welcomed opportunities to show
new Generalate for the Congregation of pilgrims to Rome its various treasures. After several years of the unremitting
Christian Brothers on the Boccea, via della Tour participants were soon asking him pressures of accommodating the crowds
Maglianella. In Rome, in his free time, he to share his expertise in lectures to their of pilgrims seeking their moment of
learned Italian and dedicated himself to confreres. His presentations became encounter with Pope John Paul II,
the study of art and architecture. After essential elements of the international Br. McGuire requested and received
three years he returned to Australia only renewal programs for religious sisters, permission for a sabbatical.
to be recalled to Rome in 1970, priests, and brothers. He proposed acceptance of an offer from
Soon it became obvious that Brother The Generate of the Congregation of Brother Driscoll for a year as the Loftus
Stanis’s organizational and diplomatic Christian Brothers in Rome was a frequent Scholar at Iona University. Here he would
skills, his mastery of the language and destination or transit for Brother John dedicate himself to an intense study and
sensitivity to the Roman culture, suited Mark Egan, CFC, professor of psychology cataloging of the extensive collection
him ideally for what would become thirty- and pastoral counselling and Brother John of Brother Chapman’s art. The sheer
two years of Vatican service to three Driscoll, CFC, president of Iona College, volume of the artist’s productivity was
successive Popes. later to become Iona University, who overwhelming. Br. McGuire requested
were popular presenters for international and received permission for a second
In the summer of 1978 Pope John Paul gatherings of religious. In appreciation year at Iona.
died thirty-three days after his election for hospitality received, they presented
to succeed Pope Paul VI. their hosts with paintings from one of the
American brothers, the gifted yet unknown
Another consistory was called. Pope John Brother Kenneth Chapman. Brother
Paul II was then elected launching an era McGuire, then lecturing in the renewal