Page 5 - Br. Chapman :: Opening the Gift
P. 5
Creation of Light
24x24 inches
At Catholic University Ken easily signature features of his “juicy” paintings. He simply went on to newer and richer
mastered the introductory courses He would descend from his studio versions of the creation of light, of the
in color, form design and technique, delighting in what he had discovered as waters above and below, of all forms
having demonstrated practiced skills in emerging from the substances he had of plan, animal, and human life. Male
the meticulous reproduction of anatomy brought to the canvas. and Female He Created Them, was a
and still life, he saw his calling in more favorite theme that appeared again in
abstract forms of expression. Catholic University welcomed his the early 2000’s.
thesis proposal of large impressionistic
Images coming from the space programs representations of the days of creation.
of the late 50’s and early 60’s fascinated He sought to translate on canvas his
him as did the emerging insights of engagement in the Genesis story. This
the silenced Jesuit paleontologist Pere contemplative approach became his
Teilhard di Chardin. A new understanding modus operandi in many subsequent
of the dynamics of cosmological representations of the Jewish Scriptures
evolution both scientific and speculative and the New Testament accounts of the
aligned well with Ken’s emerging sense life of Jesus Christ.
of co-creation, man’s engagement in the
ongoing evolution of the universe. The University affirmed the work with
the awarding of their Masters’ Degree
In the subsequent years as he worked with in Fine Arts and insisted that the
a variety of surfaces, experimented with works become part of their permanent
new materials, blended methodologies collection. As of 2017 the diminished art
integrating sculpture and painting, clay department at Catholic University can
and acrylics, Ken sought and found find no trace of the work.
depth, layered realities, and the vibrant
contributions of shadows. All became Not a problem for Brother Chapman!