Page 3 - Br. Chapman :: Opening the Gift
P. 3

All of creation is a gift. She pulses with  ink, oils, acrylics, and clay interact with
                       invitations to each of the senses. See,  colors and shapes. His hands and eyes
                       hear, touch, smell, and taste all that  explore what emerges as he seeks to give
                       awaits  the  one with the  curiosity, the  expression to feelings and insights.
                       courage,  the energy, and the willingness
                       to penetrate the wrapping, the veil, the       Each stroke is part of a larger movement.
                       envelope of this cornucopia.                   He explains that he paints with his
                                                                      whole body.
                       Kenneth Chapman has dedicated his
                       life and talent to opening his senses to       The gift he has shared in hundreds of
                       such treasures.                                paintings  offers  an  exegesis  of  his  faith
                                                                      journey.  Hopefully one  day a  group  of
                       Opening the Gift is a brief introduction to  theologians, scripture scholars, artists,
                       the artist and to his works. It follows the  astrophysicists, and mystics, will take on
                       development of his talents from a time  the challenge and the joys of seeing anew
                       of childhood illness, his call to religious  where  Brother  Chapman’s journey  has
                       brotherhood and teaching, graduate  brought him. May they open the gift to
                       studies, and a series of assignments  those of us who have been touched by his
                       that bring him to Chicago, a mission to  art and want to know more.  Meanwhile,
                       Native American children, to Rome, and  this  brief  presentation  serves  as  an
                       eventually to the role of artist in residence  invitation to begin unwrapping the gift.
                       at Iona University, New Rochelle, NY.

                       The  gift  that  has  distinguished  Brother
                       Chapman’s art has been his contemplative
                       engagement in the materials at hand
                       and their relationship to a growing
                       awareness of the wonders of creation
                       and the inspirations of scripture.  Canvas,
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