Page 6 - Br. Chapman :: Opening the Gift
P. 6

Male and

                                         Female He



                 Soon after completing the Masters’ Ken  His  works  filled  two  storerooms  in  the  John Driscoll, President of Iona College,
                 was assigned to the new Brother Rice  Brothers’ residence. When asked to  called upon to offer workshops at the
                 High School.  Every effort was made to  put on an exhibit at the neighboring St.  Congregation Generalate in Rome, would
                 bring  together  a  highly  qualified  faculty  Xavier University, Ken asked me, a first- leave a CHAPMAN after each visit as an
                 to launch what was intended as a flagship  year teacher at the time, to help him  expression of gratitude for the hospitality
                 school for boys on the far South Side of  load a truck and transport the twenty or  received. Brothers participating in the
                 Chicago. Brother Chapman headed up  thirty canvases to the University gallery.  International  Tertian Program in  Rome
                 a one-man art department with a large,  On the return trip, once back inside our  from England, Ireland, India, Africa,
                 dedicated classroom/studio. He was to  house,  I  refused  to  help  him  move  the  Australia,  and South America  admired
                 develop  the  program  as  he  saw  fit,  but  works back into the storerooms unless  the work and when passing through the
                 within the limitation  of  being  the  only  he select a few to hang on the lifeless  United States ask a too willing Brother
                 art teacher and having responsibility to  walls of the residence.  He explained that  Chapman for a painting they could bring
                 assure each student completed the art  not all of the brothers appreciate his art,  back to their home province.
                 credit required by the State Education  and some might be offended. I gathered
                 Department for graduation.  Four to five  support from other Brothers who, with                Brother Chapman’s work attracted a few
                 hundred students were enrolled for each  decisive input from the Brother Superior,             patrons in the Chicago area, among them
                 of the four years of high school.               emphatically let him know dissenters,          Mr. Matthew Lamb of the Blake Lamb
                                                                 were there any, would not be depriving         Funeral homes.  Having viewed some
                 The  creativity  that  flowed  from  Art  Lab   the rest of us of the gift he should be        of Brother’s works at the school, Mr.
                 101 filled the corridors of the school and      sharing with the community.                    Lamb asked if he might purchase and or
                 covered the refrigerator doors of the                                                          commission some to exhibit in the funeral
                 families whose sons proudly brought  Within a few years  his  works  were  parlors.  Ken  welcomed  the  interest  and
                 home their many art projects.                   cherished features in many of the  some funding for the purchase of paints,
                                                                 Brothers’ residences and missions around  brushes, and canvas.
                 Brother kept an easel in the class with an      the country, and then around the global
                 in-process work of his own adding touches       Congregation. Brother John Mark Egan
                 when on a break from assisting others.          a  renowned  psychologist and Brother
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