Page 7 - Br. Chapman :: Opening the Gift
P. 7


                           from an old photograph

                 Mr. Lamb told the story of a distraught  About this time the United States  from acrylics on canvas to the Native
                 young men who had just lost his wife.  He  Province of the Congregation of  American art of pottery, basket weaving,
                 had left the viewing room to compose  Christian Brothers was reconstituted as  and enamels on metal. His revival of
                 himself and was in an unoccupied room  two provinces.  The brothers from the  this later form of handicraft served as a

                 where  Mr.  Lamb  had  temporarily  left  east were returning to their home areas.  means of expression and future income
                 some of the unhung Chapmans. The  To make sure Brother Chapman would  for students and their parents. After a few
                 young man recounted that as he began to  remain west  the brothers  designated  years at the mission Brother was invited to
                 contemplate taking his own life, his gaze  him community superior and eventually  take time off for personal renewal and to
                 fell on one of the paintings resting on a  a member of the Western Province  attend the International Tertian Program
                 chair.  As the evening progressed he found  Leadership Team.                                   of the Congregation in Rome.
                 himself returning again and again to the
                 image,  later  identified  as  “Magnificat”.    After a decade in leadership Brother
                 The young man attributed his strength to        Chapman was assigned to the Brothers’
                 carry on to that work of art.                   Community at St. John’s Indian Mission,
                                                                 Laveen, Arizona, for ministry among the
                                                                 Native American children. Brother moved
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