Page 9 - Br. Chapman :: Opening the Gift
P. 9

The  1998  publication  CHAPMAN  –  There was no break in Brother Chapman’s  Images                       were    needed     for    program
                 Brother Kenneth Chapman – Teacher  work, creativity, and experimenting with                    announcements, invitations, and booklets
                 and Artist brought together the work of  new forms of expression. Meanwhile,  that were clearly religious but non-
                 the year and now serves as a treasured  Brother McGuire returned to his work in  denominational, touching the depths and
                 introduction to his gifted career.              the Papal Household with a set of slides he  heights of humanity and creation without
                                                                 had gathered in attempting to give order  representation of animals or humans.
                 As the second year concluded Brother            to the opus.
                 McGuire was needed back in Rome.  The                                                          The Chapman slides were shared with
                 project was left, as it continues today, a  Pope  John Paul II  was ever  more  the Vatican Typography Services.  The
                 work in progress. He was concerned that  expansive in his ministry.  He called  outcome was a series of publications,
                 there was much more to be done to fill  together the heads of other religions and  invitations,  programs,  and worship aids,
                 in what had not been included as well as  sought ways of opening dialog through  enriched with The Art of Christian Brother
                 what was still emerging.                        shared prayer, music, and art.                 Artist, Kenneth Chapman, CFC.

                                  Jacob’s Dream 1993

                                                                 Ink Painting
                                                               28.5x21 inches                           
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