Page 4 - Br. Chapman :: Opening the Gift
P. 4






                                                                                                              Wind, Waves and Sails

                                                                                                              24 x 24 inches

                 Art emerging in forced solitude

                 Christian     Brother     Artist    Kenneth     surfaces of the water and the interplay of  required subjects in St. Cecilia’s in Harlem
                 Chapman  traces  his  engagement  in  art  each  with  an  unseen  and  unpredictable  and then Iona Grammar in New Rochelle,
                 to a year in childhood when scarlet fever  wind giving order and movement to each.             NY. He was then re-assigned to Cardinal
                 and its consequences kept him isolated in                                                      Farley  Military  Academy  on  the  Hudson
                 his home in the Malba section of Queens,        Having overcome the illness and returned       River in Rhinebeck, NY. Art, ever a sideline
                 New York City. Occasionally on a good           to school his weekends and vacations           activity for him, took on new attraction in
                 day he would be brought to a neighboring        were now filled with demonstrations of         the beautiful surroundings of the Hudson
                 park overlooking the intersecting waters        the drawing and coloring skills he had         Valley and with the encouragement of the
                 of the Long Island Sound and New                learned while confined to his room. The        young military cadets.
                 York Harbor.  He recalls from earlier           owners of neighborhood movie theaters
                 days watching the motorcade bringing            and supermarkets were delighted to  A Chapman canvas often became the
                 President Franklyn Roosevelt over the           find a local talent who could give their  take-away gift of visitors who had made
                 newly constructed Whitestone Bridge             mirrors and windows holiday and  the journey to Farley. Word spread
                 linking the Bronx with the 1939 New             seasonal transformations.                      concerning Brother Chapman’s unique
                 York Fair Grounds in Queens. (History           Kenneth, while at Power Memorial               skills.  With some encouragement he
                 confirms the date as August 30, 1939.)          Academy, decided to dedicate his life to the   asked  permission  to  study art at  the
                                                                                                                master’s level. He was prepared for a
                 He delighted in the colors and shapes of        Christ he had encountered and embraced         denial given the Brothers’ emphasis on
                 the panorama. He took in the movements          during his bout with childhood illness. He     academics and athletics. The permission
                 of the waters, the sailboats, and the           sought admission and was received into         to dedicate his summers to the art
                 birch trees along the shore. The images         the Congregation of Christian Brothers,        program of Catholic University was
                 captured his  imagination making lasting        the religious group that he had come to        received as a significant endorsement of
                 impressions that appear  and reappear           know as teachers and mentors at Power.          gifts that were emerging.
                 throughout  his  years  of  painting.  The      Becoming a religious and teaching were
                 curves of the sails, the parallel lines of the   his primary motivations.
                 trees, the connecting role of bridges, (“…      After graduation from Iona College with a
                 that’s what bridges do, they connect” – Br.     degree in English and having completed his
                 Chapman  in  an  interview.)  the  dynamic      teacher training courses he taught all the
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