Page 17 - Br. Chapman :: Opening the Gift
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Iona University

                 An Art Council was formed at Iona  extensive collection of unsold Chapman presents forty nine
                 through  the  inspiration  and  dynamism  art works as well as the copyrights on  of Brother Chapmans works gathered
                 of Mrs. JoAnn Murphy. While cognizant  all  his creative works.   Getting a  grip  in groups of seven under the themes:
                 of the many arts to be promoted in the  on the extensive holdings, Brother  CREATION, JEWISH SCRIPTURE, LIFE OF
                 New Rochelle area, she had a particular  Chapman’s as well as the works of other  CHRIST, BIRCHES AND LANDSCAPES,
                 enthusiasm  for the  work of Brother  Christian Brother artists, remains a  BRIDGES AND SEASCAPES, NATIVE
                 Chapman.  She and her husband  work in progress.                                              AMERICAN        SPIRIT     AND     MARIAN
                 Mr. Joseph Murphy commissioned                                                                THEMES.  The categories while not
                 Chapman’s Life of St. Joseph, now on           To date the foundation has inventories         fully inclusive of the artist’s diverse
                 permanent exhibit in the library of the        of several subsets of the corpus: the          engagements, suggest a start to the
                 major seminary of the Archdiocese of           paintings  in  the  corridors,  offices  and   classification and scholarship the major
                 New York in Dunwoody, Yonkers. They            gathering centers at Iona University,          opus merits.  It also features the digital
                 also were major contributors to the            the works on display in the various            version of Brother McGuire’s publication:
                 construction of the Brother Kenneth            Christian Brother residences and               CHAPMAN Teacher and Artist.
                 Chapman Gallery on North Avenue in             schools  around  North  America,  the
                 New Rochelle.  The building, once a            archives of the Edmund Rice Christian  The Foundation works to promote the
                 destination shop for women’s fashion           Brothers North American Province in  artwork of Br. Chapman with occasional
                 was    completely      restructured     and    New Rochelle and Chicago, and other  exhibits.  It also sponsors  an annual
                 enhanced  as  a  facility  with  a  dance      collections in Rome, Ireland, Australia,  GALLERY OF STUDENT ART and MUSIC,
                 studio, classrooms, and a major exhibit        and Jerusalem, as well as several  featuring the works of young artists
                 area.  Since Mrs. Murphy’s untimely            private collections. Replacement value  from the schools of the Edmund Rice
                 death, the center housing the Chapman          appraisals by MIR Appraisal Services,  Network in the Americas.
                 Gallery has been rededicated as the            Inc. of Chicago on but a sample of the         The occasional sale of a painting serves
                 JoAnn Murphy Arts Center.                      works in New Rochelle and Chicago have         as a means of sustaining the collections
                                                                raised consciousness of the significant
                 Mrs. Murphy’s foresight was evident in  economic value of the collection.                     and opening to new generations the
                 the establishment of the Edmund Rice                                                          Chapman gift.
                 Christian Brothers Art Foundation, Ltd.         A dedicated website offers an introduction
                 The  non-profit  corporation  owns  the        to the work of Brother Chapman and
                                                                other Christian Brother artists.  www.
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