Page 18 - Br. Chapman :: Opening the Gift
P. 18

Holy spirit                                                  Br. Kenneth Chapman

                 2021                                                                   Scratch board
                                                                                             7 x 8 inch

                 and then, you might call it prayer

                 In a visit earlier in the year I asked  He raised his arms and gestured as
                 Brother  Chapman,  now  in  residence  he said, “I paint with my whole body.”
                 at  St.  Joseph’s  Care  Center  in  New  He would need to be on his feet and

                 Rochelle, NY, how he spends his day.  surround  a  canvas.  “I  can’t  do  that
                 He had previously explained that he was  now. So, I sit here and sometimes close
                 no longer painting. He gifted me with a  my eyes and suddenly I am filled with
                 white on black scratch board drawing  colors and shapes, images, rather than
                 entitled Holy Spirit, executed in his  words -- just as if I were still painting.
                 recliner. Sedentary art, he commented,  I delight in all that comes.  I guess you
                 does not really work for him.                  might call it prayer.”

                                                                                                                                   Patrick Sean Moffett, CFC
                                                                                                                                                  January 2023
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